
2007-05-22 12:35 am
本人於06年8月成立了有限公司,到目前只有做幾畢買賣,金額不大, 也沒其他雇員. 請問是否在今年07年5月前完成報稅? 不過, 我一直都沒有收到報稅表. 又是否一定要經過核數師呢?

回答 (3)

2007-05-22 2:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
As your company is incorporated for less than 18 months, it is a normal practice that the Inland Revenue Department will send the Profits Tax Return to you thereafter. So, there is no need for you to complete the tax submission on or before 31 May, 2007. However, if you receive Employer Return of Salaries, even though you have no employee, you have to complete the said return, a NIL return, to IRD.

If you still not receive a tax return from IRD after that time, I suggest you write to IRD demanding the said return from IRD for completion, quoting your company's BR number.

As your company is a limited company, you should have the financial statements being audited every year not solely for the purposes of Profits Tax issue but also the requirement for you to call a AGM together with this audited financial statements.
2007-05-22 1:26 am



有限公司的報稅是要經過核數師核實才填報 "報稅表",稅局如發現問題,應該是追查核數師,所以核數師核帳時是有專業操守。
2007-05-24 1:00 am

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