邊隻牌子ge notebook比較好?

2007-05-21 11:56 pm
如題!DELL 好唔好啊?要留意D咩野呢?!上網果D又點搞??

回答 (5)

2007-05-22 12:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dell is now quite reasonable for price and quality
if you use it as normal use (microsoft office, internet...) most of the notebooks are well performing , but I suggest you can have few areas to concern, such as the size, battery, heat... due to some models may produce more heat from cpu and monitor, it also will consume more power... then if you choose smaller size of notebook, it may not have build-in rom and some extension slot, so you must choose one which will best suit your need
2007-05-22 12:29 am
Dell 係比較原始及普通嘅牌子, 所以一般都比較平. 同埋quality都係麻麻. 可以試吓Fujitisu 都唔錯. 要記住, 同樣function嘅notebook永遠都係貴過同樣function 嘅 枱機一倍到. 至於上網多數都係用wireless多!!!
2007-05-22 12:08 am
Acer notebook 比較平, 有一年保養。
有kai office 送。
但office 要另外自己買。整體表現唔錯。好快。

Dell 就成日叫人加野, 加防virus既野, 會比較貴。不過有三年保養, 好過acer。
如果錢不是你的問題, 你可以choose Dell notebook.
2007-05-22 12:08 am
I think notebook ...dell is the best...留意the notebook look
2007-05-22 12:00 am

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