
2007-05-21 11:15 pm
我現在趕緊填報稅表,我想知道兩夫婦合併報稅和分開報稅, 那樣較好呢 ?而兩者的好處和壞處分別是什麼 ? 請大家賜教!  

回答 (2)

2007-05-21 11:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If your wife/husband annual income is smaller than you a lot, you should choose the " Joint Assesmment " for the salaries tax.

Good : You have to pay less salaries tax than individual salaries tax assessment.

Bad: Nil.

2007-05-25 18:31:09 補充:
For your reference only:Tax Tips Joint assessment or not? http://www.careertimes.com.hk/english/article/taxtips.asp
2007-05-22 8:30 pm
合唔合併報稅, 要視乎你地兩夫婦的收入及免稅額去決定
如果你既收入少過免稅額, 你多出o黎既免稅額可以俾你另一半扣減

不過, 你唔駛擔心, 因為稅務局會計下你地分開交平d, 定係合併平d, 佢會出信通知你地,

再唔係, 稅務局既web-site, 有一part係俾你計下今年交幾多稅, 你可以上去睇睇

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