
2007-05-21 11:07 pm
1. A balloon contains 14.0L of air at 760torr. What will be the volume of the balloon when it is taken to a depth of 60ft in the ocean? Assume that the temperature of the air and water are equal. (density: Hg = 13.6 g/mL, salt water = 1.03 g/mL)

回答 (1)

2007-05-22 12:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
At a depth of 60ft (18.29 m) below the sea level, the additional pressure (on the top of 760 torr atmospheric pressure) exerted on the balloon will be given by:
P = ρgh
= 1030 × 9.8 × 18.29
= 1.846 × 105 Pa
Moreover, originally, the atmospheric pressure is:
P = ρgh
= 13600 × 9.8 × 0.76
= 1.013 × 105 Pa
So the total pressure at 60ft below the sea level is:
2.859 × 105 Pa
Hence, since the temperature remains constant, by Boyle's law:
P1V1 = P2V2
1.013 × 105 × 14 = 2.859 × 105 × V2
V2 = 4.96 L
參考: My chemical knowledge

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