買書, 關於全音樂譜出版社

2007-05-21 10:49 pm
我想買全音樂譜出版社既書, 知不知香港那會有最齊, 最多, 同平既地方賣

我主要係想買依間出版社既書, 謝謝

回答 (4)

2007-05-26 5:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Most smaller music shops stock 全音樂譜出版社既書. Exactly which titles are you looking for?
To 比比 above:
Just a few of my humble opinions.

Yes, 全音 are 台版書, 即翻版. However, most of them actually 翻版 from Henle (the Beethoven Sonatas, Schubert Sonatas, etc.), so they are pretty reliable as a 翻版出版社. And by the way, what is the "Urtext" you are referring to? Almost every publisher claims to be an Urtext (such as Henle Urtext, Wiener Urtext), thus saying Urtext doesn't really mean anything. ("Urtext" in German means "original text"; it's not a brand or publisher, just a word in German. "Ur" means "original".) ABRSM, on the other hand, is not an urtext, and is heavily edited (such as the Chopin Nocturnes, Beethoven Sonatas, etc.) - and most of the edits are terribly out-of-date and inaccurate (such as pedal markings in Chopin or slurs in Beethoven). I would not suggest using anything from ABRSM.
There is also nothing wrong with using certain 大陸版. For example, China now has the right to "re-print" all the Chopin piano works from the Polish publisher PWM, where most of them were edited by the renowned Chopin scholar Jan Ekier. The 大陸版 is about 1/10th the price of the original PWM. China also had the rights (but recently terminated) to publish 大陸版 Eulenberg orchestral scores, and they are also much cheaper than original Eulenberg. And Peters did the same thing, so did Wiener Urtext. So there is really nothing wrong with 台版、大陸版 as long as you know what you are buying.
However, one word of caution: most 台版、大陸版 use more inferior papers, thus the scores get worn down fairly quickly. Handle them with care!

2007-05-27 10:48 am
(地鐵:佐敦站 D 出口)
2007-05-23 10:53 am
2007-05-22 12:06 am
通利琴行啦. 佢好多書架

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