急! 有無人住過喜瑞飯店

2007-05-21 10:20 pm
請問酒店地點離捷運有多遠, 安全及住得過嗎?

回答 (2)

2007-05-21 11:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我六月頭去住, 你呢?

酒店在捷運的善導寺站與忠孝新生站既中間. 大約出站後行八至十分鐘. 安全既.
佢都近台北車站, 附近冇咩特別景點. 可以去(衣碟百貨行下).
2007-05-22 4:39 pm
Recently I have e-mailed the hotel for enquiry and their reply is as follows:

1) Chungshiao Xinshen Station (忠孝新生站)is the closest to our hotel, about 10 minutes of walking distance.

2)You may take the Eva Air Bus, which will drop you off at the Evergreen Laurel Hotel (長榮桂冠飯店)on Songjian Road(松江路), from there you can walk to our hotel, which will take you about 5 minutes.
參考: From the Hotel

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