點解要加to在belong和 me中間

2007-05-21 9:34 pm
It belongs to me.想問點解要加to在belong和 me中間

回答 (3)

2007-05-21 9:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
belongs to 係一定要一齊用, 你就當 belongs 係"屬"咁解, to 係"於"咁解好了~ 屬於係一個詞語嘛!
2007-05-21 9:42 pm
因為這是 Phasal Verb, 所以要死記.
2007-05-21 9:40 pm
-to- is -belong-'s preposition. -belong- is always followed by -to-, no matter if -me- is used or not, so you can't omit it.

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