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--congratulate oneself on his escape from a risky situation/ sigh of relief after going through an emergency situation
--e.g. He congratulated himself on his narrow escape from the accident. (他倖免於意外, 大呼執番身彩)
----e.g. He breathed a sigh of relief when he found his wallet (他找回銀包, 大呼執番身彩)
fail to live up to one's reputation
be cynical (adj)
e.g., A cynical person refuses to believe that people do things for good or honest reasons, but only believes that they do it for their own interests. (憤世疾俗的人不相信人做好事是出於好心, 只相信他們所做一切皆為自己利益.)
humble oneself
e.g., He had to humble himself in the presence of the boss. (得在老闆面前低聲下氣)
be perfunctory (adj, 敷衍的態度), put off someone with words (verb, 藉詞拖延)
e.g., made perfunctory effort (敷衍了事)
e.g., He is not to be put off with words (不能用言詞敷衍他)
參考: 字典. 不使用翻譯軟體. 即使不是最好也不要誤導人