求郵件修正... (一.)

2007-05-21 7:06 pm
below a email I wrote to a customer , is it righ and fluently ??

【Dear sir,

Since I've phoned you and talked that the issue on p/n#4154-5731+0/4154-5551+0/4154-5091+0
with updated price due to an extra cost on SGS , but so far I haven't got ay response from you.

Note. An order of PO#G0706435 4154-5551+0 1000pcs and a forecasts received is still under suspended
until an acceptance on our revised quotation which has been sent you on 27 April.

回答 (2)

2007-05-21 8:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Mr. XXX,

Regarding your PO#XXX ordering XXXpcs of XXX, we have faxed/emailed you on Apr 27 a revised quotation with updated price due to an extra cost on SGS (actually I do not understand what extra cost on SGS that you're talking here). However, we did not receive any feedback from you.

Please note that this PO is (or these POs are) being on hold and we will not start production until we receive your confirmation with the updated price.

To avoid any delay due to late confirmation with price, would you please reply us immediately? Please note that we will consider this PO a cancel order if we do not receive your reply within 1 week.

Thanks & best regards,

2007-05-21 14:44:58 補充:
最尾加多兩句:If you have any questions, please contact us.Thank you for your kind attention.Best regards,XXXABC Company

2007-05-21 15:54:38 補充:
第一段要改正:However, we did not receive any feedback from you.改為However, we have not received any feedback from you yet.
2007-05-21 8:04 pm
I will give a try :).

your email as follow:

Dear Sir,

This is from .
I am writing to you to following up on the issue of p/n#4154-5731+0/4154-5551+0/4154-5091+0 with a updated price. Due to the extra cost on SGS, we have to adjust the price accordingly and an updated quotqtion has been sent to you on 27 April.

To avoid any delay, you prompt attention is needed.
Otherwise your order may be cancelled automatically without further notice.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. If you any questions or concerns please contact me on .

Best Regards,

2007-05-21 14:13:50 補充:
Dear Sir,This is (your name) from (your company name).I am writing to you ....on 27 April.To avoid any delay....without further notice.I look .....please contact me on (your phone number).Best Regards, (your company name)(position)
參考: Me

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