Chemistry (Gas law problem)

2007-05-21 6:53 pm
The container with a mass of 45.0g and a total capacity of 525 ml is used to collect of gas in a swamp. Upon analysis, the container of mysterious gas is found to have a mass of 47.267g at a pressure of 2394 torr. at a temperature of 30.0 degree Celsius . What is the molecular weight of the mystery gas? Can you suggest a possible identity for the gas?

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2007-05-21 8:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
m = 47.267 - 45 = 2.267 g
V = 525 mL = 0.525 L
P = 2394/760 = 3.15 atm
T = 30 + 273 = 303 K
R = 0.082 L atm mol-1 K-1
molar mass M = ?

PV = nRT
i.e. PV = (m/M)RT
M = (mRT)/(PV)
M = (2.267 x 0.082 x 303) / (3.15 x 0.525)
M = 34 g mol-1

Molecular weight (relative molecular mass) = 34

The gas may be H2S.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 19:43:59
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