文法有錯嗎?could you reciceved the email...pls give me a message

2007-05-21 5:04 pm
could you received the email...pls give me a message...

回答 (3)

2007-05-21 5:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
could you RECIEVE the e-mail?

Could 之後嘅 verb 系用 present tense.

2007-05-21 09:10:15 補充:
另外, 你系唔系想問人家啱啱收唔收到你個e-mail? 如果系, 你可以咁寫 :Have you recieved the e-mail? pls give me a message

2007-05-21 09:12:49 補充:
里啲系「商業常用」的方式 : please advise 或者, please let me know, 又或者, please reply. (好似有啲message出唔曬, 再打)
參考: my
2007-05-21 5:11 pm
Have you received the email....
用 "present perfect tense",因這句句子是由以前直至現在都是正在發生
2007-05-21 5:08 pm
It should be :

Could you receive the email, pls give me a message.

It is better to write :

Did you receive my email? Pls send me a reply.

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