
2007-05-21 2:30 pm

回答 (4)

2007-05-21 2:50 pm
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Every tuesday and friday morning in Kowloon Tong MTR station you can get it.

Not just only Kowloon Tong, all MTR station they have 招職&recruit in the morning 7am to around 10am. Sometimes after 10am you can get it if they have left.

2007-05-22 20:54:38 補充:
Hi i am sorry i forget to tell u 入左閘先有得拿!!!!!!!! But if you dont 入閘 you can requested people help you to take. :-)
2008-09-26 5:46 am
The website can help you.
www.money128.biz and www.fast-beauty.6289.us
2007-05-21 5:30 pm
個個地鐵站都有, 我都唔係乘mtr, 不過我會去閘口叫等緊人個d人幫我拿, 通常你有禮貌人地都會幫你。
2007-05-21 3:02 pm
every Tuesday la

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