Biology (urgent, please help)

2007-05-21 11:09 am
Explain why an athlete must exercise harder or longer to achieve a maximum heart rate than a person who is not as physically fit.

Thank you.

回答 (2)

2007-05-21 12:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案

因為運動員既心臟肌肉較強 , 而且心室較大 , 每一次既 cardiac output 都比正常人多 , 所以要輸出同樣既 volume in a given period , heart rate 就可以慢d都得

要達到 maximum , 就當然要有足夠既運動量 , 普通人因為 cardiac output 細d , 所以heart rate 就自然快d . 運動員就要耐小小時間先會達到足夠既運動量令佢地有 max heart rate
參考: 自己
2007-05-21 12:37 pm
i'm in usa right now,
there are some students who are going to have max heart rate.
our teacher told us that they 're going to achieve a max heart rate because they run a lot more than us. They need to increase their heart rate order to run much faster. Maximum heart rate is the maximum heart rate that a person should achieve during maximal physical exertion. Athletes who use a heart rate monitor as a training aid need to identify their maximum heart rate in order to determine their appropriate training zones.

on the other hand, you can find more info. in

good luck~
參考: ME and the sites..

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