我想知道the benefit of building customer relationship?

2007-05-21 8:07 am
我想知道the benefit of building customer relationship?
thanks ~~~

回答 (2)

2007-05-21 10:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
customer relationship management

CRM: What are the benefits?
Excellent customer service is about being aware of customer needs and reacting to them effectively. CRM helps you to understand, anticipate and respond to your customers' needs in a consistent way, right across your organization.

Practicing CRM requires an efficient and integrated internal business system. Many businesses benefit from the organizational discipline CRM imposes, as well as from the technology itself.

CRM will help your business if you view it as a set of tools that let you do more more for, and get more from, your customer.

CRM can:

Develop better communication channels
Collect vital data, like customer details and order histories
Create detailed profiles such as customer preferences
Deliver instant, company-wide access to customer histories
Identify new selling opportunities

2007-05-21 02:26:12 補充:
中文簡單咁講:即係你可以比較快了解到客戶的需要你同佢地溝通的時候知道佢地的愛好, 佢地又易反映佢地的意見俾你知而且由於你有左第一手資料如果市場上有咩野新的需求出現 (即係你的商機)你都能夠好快咁知道而作出部署比同行更快獲得新的機會!hope can help you la!!!
2007-05-21 8:21 pm
The case for implementing relationship marketing

Find the hard benefits

Relationship marketing is not some woolly nice-to-have but non- essential activity. The core benefits from relationship marketing feed through to where it matters -- the bottom line -- although there are also soft benefits for customers and company. Hard financial benefits include:

Revenue protection against competitive approaches: by increasing loyalty and retention of existing customers.

Revenue extension: by increasing sales volumes and buying frequency of existing customers and, thereby, increasing their life-time value.

Revenue development: by acquiring new customers through lead generation.

Cost effectiveness of sales: by reducing overall cost of sales as a percentage of margin supported.

But with these benefits in sight, what do you need to consider before implementing relationship marketing? In fact, just which directions do you need to take if you want to adopt business best practice in developing customer relationships?

Before implementing fragmented marketing and sales approaches to groups of customers based on a product or business marketing plans, it is important to consider and analyse your current customer base and their needs. You must then develop management strategies for segments or customers and plan customer management policies. Finally, you must define the scope and objectives for customer management in your organisation.

Yet it is often hard to define the objectives and scope for customer management and very difficult to avoid the temptation to apply relationship marketing to your whole customer base. Setting initial management objectives and measures for all customers -- particularly if there are millions of them -- is unworkable, expensive and leads to failure. This becomes only too obvious if you consider the implications for your whole company.

So where do you start? Your overall business strategy should be the guiding factor but there are also some other areas to consider. (What follows is particularly aimed at companies that have little relationship marketing activity. But the same logic applies for a review of existing relationship marketing activities.

The first step is to define what you need. You need to identify your business's motivations and expectations using customer data where possible. This means working from your business or marketing plan and translating business objectives into relationship marketing objectives -- for example, to increase numbers of customers of a specific type or gain "share of wallet" within existing customers. With this completed, you then define the scope of the project and identify critical success factors.

The output of this activity should be a clear statement of project objectives, a work-plan and a risk list. But be aware that you may be able to quantify objectives more accurately when you better understand your own customer base. A management workshop may help you make the transition from conventional marketing planning to relationship marketing.

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