Figure Skater?

2007-05-20 6:57 pm
Ok, so you lot answerd my last Question, not what i wanted answer wise, but thanks any way. I am looking to start figure skating lessons. I need a coach, my rink i go to, doesnt have many, and the groups they have are full, unless i can find a friends willing to have lessons with me to form another group, which is hard as mine arne't like me, they dont like skating basically.Please give me your sugetions. I can get a place in a group but they may not be my ability, so it would be a waste of money. Help any one?

回答 (8)

2007-05-20 10:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Perhaps the best person to ask is the skating director (if there is one at your rink) or one of the coaches. They can probably lead you better in the right direction for where you are with your skating as they know the limitations of that rink.

I generally tell people to take a group class if they are a beginner to save money and to test out if you even like it. But, if the group class seems too scattered in levels that you don't think you would benefit, maybe look into private lessons with a coach. In this case it may be more suitable. Maybe the coach would be willing to do a split private with another student . . . some of my friends have done that.

Best of luck!
2007-05-27 4:52 pm
If you can't find a group to join or get anyone else to take a lesson with you and you don't want to wait, you might be able to take a short (like 15 min) private lesson once a week. 15 min shouldn't cost too much (it would be about $16 with my coach, and you could probably find someone who teaches for less than that). That would hold you until you can get into a group (though you might rather continue the privates instead). The coaches might also know of someone else who wants to split a lesson, and that would cost you less.
2007-05-24 7:08 pm
This is a tough time of the year to start group lessons - there aren't many beginners just starting out. If the skating school is willing to put you in a mixed group, then the group lessons would be worth it for you. At many rinks, they put an extra instructor with the mixed groups to make sure no one is left out/bored or not challenged.

If you know of one or two skaters at the rink who are at your level and also interested in lessons, you could take a semi-private. Also, check out any skating clubs that might practice at the rink. Sometimes, they offer clinics and lessons on their own ice, which the rink management may/may not tell you about.

Since summer's coming, there is another option. Some rinks offer summer day camps for ice skating. It's usually four days a week and you can choose however many weeks fit your schedule and budget. It's a great way to gain a lot of skills in a short time because you really learn a lot and practice more often than you would with the group lessons.

Ask at your rink about their summer programs, which usually start in June or July.

Good luck and happy skating!
2007-05-21 10:47 pm
If you're a beginner start with a group lesson first and decided if you want to be serious in the sports or just doing it for fun. Cos a private coach is pretty expensive. If you're really serious about the sport then ask your local rink, telling them you want private lesson. You may also ask for biography of the coach that you're interested in. The most practical way is stick around the rink and observe the coach when they give private lesson, if you think he / she is good, then approach him / her directly.
2007-05-20 11:33 pm
The basic skills lessons start over about every three to six weeks in which you can sign up for the level in which you would like to be in.
參考: Figure Skater
2007-05-20 11:29 pm
well the actual season for most clubs just ended. and the summer classes would probably be full. so try signing up asap for group lessons for fall/winter season.
also if you're new on ice, just go to a public skate arena with a friend or two to get used to skating first
2007-05-20 8:48 pm
Well, maybe you should wait until this session of group lessons are over. And then you could sign up for the next session. I'm not sure what rink you go to so I can't help all that much.
參考: In Basic 2
2007-05-21 12:02 am
i haven't been ice skating yet and me and my friend were wanting to go. but we were wondering if you get lifted and trowed about (like on dancing on ice)or not?

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