我英文好屎..可唔可以幫下我 check 下(2)

2007-05-21 7:25 am
英文ok既 唔該幫幫手^^

About our survey,we have 13 male and 17 female to do the interview. And the most students is in year 2. The first question is frequency of students use the facilities. Have 43% usually use the library, 23% usually use the computer room, 13% use the library discussion room and drawing room and just 4% usually use the D.V. room.

回答 (5)

2007-05-21 7:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
Regarding our survery, we have 13 men/boys(唔好用性別) and 17 women/girls(同上) to help accomplished(用詞較好) the interview, and most students are from(呢個情況用來自較好) year two. The first question is what facilities do students usually occupy themselves in(重組, 你的句子用錯了). And the results are 43% of them usually use the library, 23% usually use the computer room, 13% use the library discussion room and drawing room and just 4% usually use the D.V. room.


2007-05-20 23:41:51 補充:
剛剛留意到你段文其實有一個好嚴重既問題,你呢句: The first question is frequency of students use the facilities. 係想表達"學生很多時候會在使用哪個學校設施?" 定係 "學生使用以下學校設施的頻率(使用率)?"如果係第一個例子既話 我上面o個篇就o岩既第二個既話, 就係上面o個句問錯
參考: 自己
2007-05-21 7:46 am
Our survey is based on the interview of 30 students mostly from year two that involved 13 males and 17 females. The first question is about the utilization rate of facilities in our campus. The statistic shows that there are 43% students use the library, 23% students use the computer room, 13% students use the discussion room and drawing room inside library and 4% student use the D.V. room.

= 系唔系學校嘅facilities? 如果系, 我用左our campus這名詞. 如果唔一定系你自己間學校, 咁你應該列明o向唔同嘅學校.. 首先, 將我嗰句改為inside the campus.
= 用The statistic shows 比較可以特顯research.
= 你指嘅discussion room and drawing room如果都系o向library內, 就可以如上寫法.

2007-05-20 23:53:44 補充:
另外, 你一定要小心用詞.如果系講個frequency.. 就唔可以咁樣出個句子.反之, 你應該系用時間性嘅去做你個功課. 例如 : 乜嘢時段用.. 那可以分為早上, 中午至黃昏前. 黃昏以後 (時段). 又或是可以再仔細啲再分日. 例如, 星期一...至日.. 否則, 你個reserach會畀人rate唔合格..同埋, 個result應反映到一啲嘢.... 例如.. 系唔系可以縮短有關地方嘅開放時間?.. 之類..你要寫出一啲啟發呀
參考: my knowledge (我啲英文算唔錯) - 我都讀僅MBA - business research
2007-05-21 7:34 am
In our survey, there are 13 male and 17 female students attending the interview. Among the interviewees, most of the them are in year 2. The first question is about the frequency of students using the school facilities. We have found that 43% usually use the library, 23% usually use the computer room, 13% usually use the library discussion room and drawing room. Yet, just 4% usually use the D.V. room.

(Just for reference)
2007-05-21 7:33 am
In our survey, we have interviewed 13 male and 17 female. Most students interviewed is in year 2. The first question is to ask them the frequency of using the facilities. 43% of them use the library frequently, and 23% of them use the computer room frequently, and the percentage of student who use the discussing room and DV.room. frequently is 13% and 4% respectively.
2007-05-21 7:33 am
最好唔好用we have
可以用: there are 13 male and 17 female have been inviewed
2)he first question is frequency of students use the facilities
應用using, 因為你用左兩個verb.
3)Have 43% usually use the library, 23% usually use the computer room, 13% use the
唔洗要個have字, 最後加"and"13% using the ......
4)43% usually use the library, 23% usually use the computer room, 13% use the .....
參考: 自己....^^希望可以幫到你

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