我想問吓泰國曼谷的century park hotel ,大家覺得點呀?

2007-05-21 6:30 am

回答 (2)

2007-05-21 6:55 pm
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Century Park其實都ok的, 雖然唔多近bts, 但佢有一個好處, 就係樓下有個大的巴士站, 好多車都去Big-C的, 連埋等車, 及車程,都係15分鐘, 車費12baht, 有冷氣。所以幾方便, 以前其他酒店比較平就話多d選擇啫, 而家好多酒店都貴左, 而佢係keep住一個比較平的價錢, 我覺得都ok喎。酒店有泳池等設施, 早餐屬於ok, 房間的裝修雖然老土, 個干淨。
在佢隔離有一間IBIS SIAM, 平成半, 早餐差d, 冇設施, 但都一樣咁方便, 亦好干淨。
當然, 曼谷咁多酒店, 其實還有好多選擇, 但如果想住近Big-c, central world 附近, 呢間都唔係差。
參考: 多次泰國自由行經驗
2007-05-21 6:35 am
the hotel is too old and the location is no good. there is no sky train station around the hotel area. i prefer u can choice the hotel which locate nearby siam center. it's convience and have a sky train station for go out other place . also the price is just around $500

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