
2007-05-21 6:11 am

Do you like David Beckham?Why or why not?Give at least 3 resons.

Do you think David's life is easy?What problems does a rich,famous sports star have?Please suggest three possible problems.


回答 (3)

2007-05-21 8:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you ask me , do you love(like) Beckham . I think i must say yes because he is a success as football . And also , he is a very hard person . We can always see him run around in the football competition . The finally reason is that he is a good father and husband . He always give a lot of love to his family members .

Beckham is a very famous football player . I think that his life is so difficult because he will be the reports target . So , he can not always has his free times because always have the reports follow or take photo of him . When he become a rich and famous sports star , i think he may be have problems . For example , there are many reports follow him and his family . Some of have bad thinking people may be kidnap his family because Beckham is a rich man . And the last one is he will have a lot of news about him .

參考: 自己
2007-05-21 7:12 am
Of cause i like. because he is handsome, he is rich and he kick the football very good!!!
2007-05-21 6:25 am
1. OF course....i love him!He is Handsome. I think he was the most sex man in the world. His football was great. All peple know his brilliant free kick.
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