
2007-05-21 5:52 am
邊到有得買黃色波boot (成條焦果d)

回答 (2)

2007-05-24 12:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
Adidas F50.7 Tunit II


Nike AZT90 Laser


The Nike Total 90 Laser is the new boot choice of England and Manchester United''s Wayne Rooney, creating a revolutionary enhancement of the Total 90 series.

Applying the learning from sports like golf or tennis, the expanded Sweet Spot on the Nike Total 90 Laser allows the athlete to maximise shooting and passing accuracy through better boot to ball alignment and targeting.

Unique precision rings create optimum trajectrory, spin and distance control. Twisted medial rings provide more agggressive contact, enhancing ball spin and swerve opportunities.

The highest density material (3 times harder than a synthetic upper) is aligned with the hardest part of the foot for improved accuracy and distance. The precision rings are sectioned to help the player keep the ball down when shooting at goal. Rings also add more aggressive contact to the ball, allowing the player to add height and swerve to the ball as desired.

Waterproof eVent Fabric also lets sweat escape, maintaining a constant temperature inside the boot while playing.
參考: Prodirect
2007-05-21 8:10 am
這對 boot 叫 Nike AZT90 Laser ,是 total 90 系列,英國5月底開賣,香港遲啲亦應該有:應該會係下一季時候就會有..

Nike Total 90 Laser Firm Ground - Yellow Zest/Black

Nike AZT90 Laser FG Zest/Black/Dark Charcoal Football Boots

The Nike Total 90 Laser is the new boot choice of England and Manchester United''s Wayne Rooney, creating a revolutionary enhancement of the Total 90 series.

Applying the learning from sports like golf or tennis, the expanded Sweet Spot on the Nike Total 90 Laser allows the athlete to maximise shooting and passing accuracy through better boot to ball alignment and targeting.

Unique precision rings create optimum trajectrory, spin and distance control. Twisted medial rings provide more agggressive contact, enhancing ball spin and swerve opportunities.





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