
2007-05-21 5:05 am
3)自 己也即將做父親的兒子突然頓悟──父母也是人,也有自己的 遺憾,他才對生命重拾樂趣。
4)兒子想起父親說過,在美國,他曾 經利用介指成功捕獲全世界最大條的魚(Big Fish)。兒子對著父親續說這個故事──兒子抱著父親,在他生命中出現過的 巨人、狼人、馬戲班成員向他歡呼,然後兒子溫柔地將他放進水裡,他就化成一條魚,大 魚原是他的真身。雖然父親最後撤手塵寰,但至少到最後,父子也得到和解。

以上英文點寫???can you help me??? thx

回答 (1)

2007-05-21 5:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
1 From her eyes I can see how I will die in future

2 From this process, he use a father's attitude to feel a father's whole life. To open a gateway between father and son, to understand the background during the father's young life, real life. Understand the plain he carried. Most importantly, the moment to care about "him", in order for us daring to modify the memories, modify our memories for our fathers. Care about those around us, life only live for few decatdes, to have a beautiful memory, it is worth more than anything.

3 When the son himself about to become a father, he realise parents are human too, they have their regrets too, he then able to refocus about life.

4 The son thought the father once said, in America he used a ring to catch the world's largest fish (Big Fish). The son facing the father while he continue to tell the story, the son hug his father. The giants appeared during his life, people from the circus cheering for him, then the son gently place him in the water, he became a fish, largh fish is his real shape. Although the father finally cut the ring, at least in the end, father and son managed to reconcilate.

2007-05-24 15:59:14 補充:
From this unknown little town, (Allen Po) is a legendary person, he always tell his past stories. Everyone in the town love to hear them, they all felt extremely interested about his past experience.

2007-05-24 15:59:57 補充:
His footprint can be found in all parts of the world, everyone really get into the stories, except his son (William Po) do not care about them.

2007-05-24 16:00:23 補充:
He thought those were ridiculous stories, the son do not want to live under the shadow of his brag father, felt there is no space for him in this little town.

2007-05-24 16:00:44 補充:
From there he left for Paris for his own future. Many years later, the son heard his father was very sick, he went back home to see him before he die,

2007-05-24 16:01:01 補充:
hoping to find something in his legendary tales that really belong to him in the real world. Son discovered that he do not really understand his father, in the end he notice he is running through the same way as his father?

2007-05-24 16:04:15 補充:
參考: myself

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