翻譯題: "航空母艦"英語怎麼說?

2007-05-21 4:53 am
翻譯題: "航空母艦"英語怎麼說?

回答 (3)

2007-05-21 7:29 am
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In my country, we generally call them Warships! 軍艦

Modern warships are generally divided into six main categories: (wikipedia)
1) aircraft carrier 航空母艦 <- 如果你要好specific,那這個應該合用
2) cruiser 巡洋艦
3) destroyer 驅逐艦
4) frigate 護航艦
5) submarine 潛艇
6) amphibious assault ship/boat 水陸兩用攻擊艇

Other useful words: Navy 海軍
Auxiliary 輔助 vessels 仲有: (a) minesweeper 掃雷艦 (b) patrol torpedo boat 魚雷快艇 and (c) offshore patrol vessel 海岸巡邏艇
2007-05-21 5:06 am

1. aircraft carrier

2. flattop

3. floating aerodrome
參考: 金山詞霸
2007-05-21 4:55 am

An aircraft carrier is a warship designed to deploy and recover aircraft — in effect acting as a sea-going airbase. Aircraft carriers thus allow a naval force to project air power great distances without having to depend on local bases for land-based aircraft.

Modern navies that operate such ships treat aircraft carriers as the capital ship of the fleet, a role previously played by the battleship. The change, part of the growth of air power as a significant part of warfare, took place during World War II. This change was driven by the superior range, flexibility and effectiveness of carrier-launched aircraft.

Unescorted carriers are considered vulnerable to attack by other ships, aircraft, submarines or missiles and therefore travel as part of a carrier battle group (CVBG), which is now known as a Carrier Strike Group (CSG) in the US Navy or Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG) if the carrier is an LHD or LHA. Unlike other types of capital ships in the 20th century, aircraft carrier designs since World War II have been effectively unlimited by any consideration save budgetary, and the ships have increased in size to handle the larger aircraft: The large, modern Nimitz class of United States Navy carriers has a displacement nearly four times that of the World War II-era USS Enterprise yet its complement of aircraft is roughly the same.

2007-05-20 21:14:54 補充:
亦作flattop, floating aerodrome
參考: EN_wikipedia

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