
2007-05-21 4:51 am

回答 (3)

2007-05-21 5:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
I don't understand this chart.
I don't understand this data table.
I don't understand this table.
參考: 美國讀書經驗
2007-05-21 7:49 am
表可以是: table, chart 或 diagram

切記唔好用 I can't read, 個個人都可以read(看表,unless那個人是blind的),但唔一定明白個表要表達的信息.

I'm not sure how to interpret this table 我唔係好明點睇這份表
I don't know how to interpret this chart 我唔明點睇這份表
I don't understand how the data is structured in this table/chart/diagram 我唔明這份表的數據要點睇
I'm unable to understand this table/chart/diagram 我不能明白這個圖表
2007-05-21 4:55 am
I don't know how to read this table.
參考: myself

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