唔係好明點分active or passive

2007-05-21 4:17 am
1. The splint religts. 我唔明relight 這個動作是active, splint 是一樣死物, 點do 個action ar?!

2. 我唔係好明個object 做 D 野係active or passive voice?(好似上句那種)

3. 如果個verb 係不及物動詞, 個句就只有active voice. 但都解釋唔到點解可以用死物做subject?e.g The accident happened.

4. 有咩情況用present prefer tense 只係解作已經完成但與現在仍有關聯的動作或狀態?

回答 (1)

2007-05-21 5:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The splint relights itself, nothing affect its happening.
2. If something or somebody do anything to affect its reaction -- passsive voice
Natural reaction (contact with air) -- active voice
3. The accident is caused by something or somebody (a action)
4. eg. I have just finished this comic.

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