
2007-05-21 2:39 am
我想問下freestyle同medley swimming兩種泳式有咩分別?(請用中文回答)

回答 (3)

2007-05-22 12:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
自由式Freestyle 連續動作示意圖



Individual Medley (混合四式)
混合四式 (背,蛙,蝶,捷):有個人混合四式 或 隊際混合四式。
因為游泳比賽場地有在 五十公尺 長池(Long Course)或 在二十五公尺 短池(Short Course)游泳池舉行兩種。
一百米 IM 是 短池(Short Course)二十五公尺 游泳比賽項目其中一項 (因在長池比賽一百公尺是兩次直池、不能準確地使運動員每二十五公尺游泳每一種泳式),正確名稱是 一百公尺個人混合四式,(100 Meter Individual Medley)運動員要在每一次直池 (二十五公尺)游泳一種 國際游泳聯會 認許的泳式,包括: 背、蛙、蝶、捷 合共一百公尺。

Individual Medley (混合四式) : 蝶、背、蛙、捷 四式。
Freestyle 只是其中一種泳式自由式。
2007-05-23 3:15 am
Freestyle is one of the official swimming competitions according to the rules of FINA. However, it is technically not a style, as there are very few regulations about the way freestyle has to be swum. Most swimmers choose to swim front crawl during freestyle, as this style is generally the fastest. In fact, freestyle is often confused to be the same as front crawl, whereas freestyle means any style.
Freestyle swimming competitions can be any of the unregulated strokes such as front crawl, dog paddle, or sidestroke. Individual freestyle competitions can also be swum in one of the officially regulated strokes (breaststroke, butterfly, and backstroke). For the freestyle part of medley competitions, however, one cannot use breaststroke, butterfly, or backstroke. Most competitive swimmers choose the front crawl during freestyle competitions, as this style provides the greatest speed. Freestyle competitions have also been swum completely and partially in other styles, especially at lower ranking competitions. During the Olympic Games, front crawl is swum almost exclusively during freestyle.
2007-05-22 10:10 pm
Freestyle 係自由式。
Medley 係混合式囉。

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