
2007-05-21 2:17 am
我見過有人有個r kite,之後佢remove咗個r kite,cast咗High Level Alchemy,佢再wield個kite果陣,r g kite?

我懷疑佢收埋咗個r g kite,然後用High Level Alchemy cast去另外一樣乜,再wield個r g kite。所以請各位runescape高手回答!

回答 (3)

2007-05-23 4:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
Only members can get those trimmed armours in treasure trails, but i'm not a member,so i don't know much about treasure trails, i can only give you information:

Treasure Trails are only accessible by RuneScape Members. If you die on a treasure trail, you will lose your items.

When certain creatures die, there is a chance that they will drop a clue. This clue could lead you to someone in RuneScape, a spot where you need to dig using a spade or something you need to search, such as a crate or chest.

There are three levels of difficulty for clue scrolls - low (1), medium (2) and high (3). If you are just starting out, your best option is to go after a low level NPC. These will drop level 1 clues, whereas stronger NPCs will drop level 2 or 3 scrolls (depending on which NPC you go after). A selection of NPCs that drop the different levels of clue scroll are shown below.

The treasure trails can take you on a journey around RuneScape. There's no way to know where you're going or how long it will take until you receive your next clue.

There are no specific requirements to complete a treasure trail. However, if you attempt to gain a level 3 clue scroll, you will need to have a high Combat level to obtain a clue scroll from these NPCs. Once you have the clue scroll, it is almost certain that a high level scroll will lead you through areas where you need to carry food that heals a lot of Hitpoints.

There are different types of clue scrolls. Some may require you to use your brain or travel somewhere. Some items are essential when following treasure trails.

Following clue scrolls can be a very long expedition. It is important that you try to use any shortcuts or transport that you can. This will help reduce the time you spend travelling between each clue. For information on the different types of transportation available through RuneScape, please see the Transportation Guide.

These clues represent a particular place or area. You need to identify this area using the world map and then travel to that location.

On the map you will see either an 'X' that will show you the place to look or dig, or a crate will be on the map. This means you will have to search crates or boxes in that location to find your next clue or treasure. Some clues contain both indicators.

There are three different levels of difficulties to the maps you may receive: easy, medium and hard.

These clues are quite simple. Once you receive a clue scroll you will be asked to go to a certain NPC. This NPC will give you a puzzle like those below. You need to rearrange the tiles so that the correct picture is formed. Once you have solved the puzzle, speak to the NPC that gave you the puzzle box and, providing you have the completed puzzle in your inventory, you will receive your reward. Below are some solutions to some known puzzle clues.

Your clue might tell you the coordinates of a place where you need to dig.
Navigating to the spot isn't difficult - just visit the Observatory (some distance south-west of Ardougne) and ask the professor to teach you how to navigate.

Coordinate clues need sextants to tell them the coordinates of the place where they're standing. The Observatory professor will help you get one of these. To use the sextant left-click or right-click and select 'Look through Sextant'.

Anagram clues require you to rearrange letters to form another word. The word that is formed is the name of an NPC. You then have to travel to that NPC to get your next clue or receive your treasure.

Emote clues are a bit like spy-work. You will be required to go to a specific location wearing certain items to perform an emote.

If you follow the instructions correctly, then Uri will appear and you will be able to claim your reward. Beware, though, that hard clue scrolls may present you with a double agent who you must kill in order to make Uri appear.
參考: I got these information from from the Knowledge Base Home
2007-05-21 4:35 am
我以前都比e d人呃過架,個note左果d裝,之後同人地交易,比個裝人地睇,等一陣間,佢會超快咁將個裝轉左人做另一個裝..就咁就同人換..

2007-05-21 2:21 am
小心 .. 佢一定係呃人嫁!!!

trimmed 同 god armor 既野 只可以由member既 treasure trail 先得到 ..

f2p 既 人 小心唔好俾佢地scam左 ..

佢係呃人嫁 =]

2007-05-21 19:20:16 補充:
佢根本唔係high alch個rune kite .. 佢諗住呃你 .. 佢扮high alch 個rune kite 之後 .. 裝番個rune g kite .. 所以佢呃人 ..同埋 我之前係member .. 8x lv .. 我做過好多次clue ( 姐係treasure trail .. 入面分lv1 lv2 lv3 既野 .. lv1 有black t or g lv2 有 addy t or g lv3 有rune g or t or god armor 囉..)non member 可以用到 trim左既野 ...

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