
2007-05-21 1:09 am
2.A baseball of mass 0.5kg is thrown horizontally against a wall with a speed of 10m /s.It rebounds with the same speed.
(a) What is the impulse exerted on the wall?
(b) If the ball is in contact with the ball for 0.0025s,what is the average force exerted on the wall by the ball?
(c) The ball is caught by a baseball player who brings it to rest.It her hand moves back for 0.5m,what is the impulse received by the player?
(d) Find the average force exerted on the player by the ball.

回答 (3)

2007-05-21 1:50 am
✔ 最佳答案

(a) Let the direction to the wall is positive
The impulse exerted on the wall = Ft
Ft = mv-mu
= 0.5[(-10)-10]
= -10Ns

(b) The average force exerted on the wall by the ball = F
F = (mv-mu)/t
= -10/0.0025
= -4000N

(c) The impulse received by the player = Ft
Ft = mv-mu
= 0.5(-10-0)
= -5Ns

(d) Apply the equation s = (u+v)t/2
-0.5 = (-10+0)t/2
1 = 10t
t = 0.1s
The average force exerted on the player by the ball = F
F = (mv-mu)/t
= 0.5[0-(-10)]/0.1
= 50N

2007-05-22 00:23:18 補充:
But I cannot understand the direction of the ball.
2007-05-21 1:50 am
= 0 N
= 0-5/0.1
參考: F.4 的人
2007-05-21 1:38 am

=(impulse) / (time of impact)
=(10kgm/s) / (0.0025s)

= -5kgm/s(negative sign means the impulse has the opposite direction as the net force)

(d) u=10m/s

applied v*v-u*u=2as,
a= -100m/(s*s) (negative sign means deceleration)

applied s=ut+(1/2)at*t,

=(impulse) / (time of impact)
=(-5kgm/s) / (0.1s)
Therefore the required force exerted on the player by the ball is 0.5N.

2007-05-28 14:19:22 補充:
Force 要指明係Fnet 架......

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