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1.電燈 1906 (湯馬士·愛迪生)
2.火車 1838 (British)
British railways had a little bit of a head start on American railroads, with the first "bed-carriage" (an early sleeping car) being built there as early as 1838 for use on the London and Birmingham Railway and the Grand Junction Railway.
In Britain there had been several attempts to build steam cars with varying degrees of success with Thomas Rickett even attempting a production run in 1860.
西元1886 年的這一天,德國人卡爾‧朋馳(Karl Benz)為自己設計的動力車提出了專利申請,同年11月獲得了德國政府授與第37435a號的專利。從此以後,這部被後人稱為「專利動力車」(Patent Motor Car)的三輪汽車就被公認為世界第一輛汽車。