
2007-05-20 11:32 pm

回答 (5)

2007-05-20 11:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1. 考試 話題
2. 功課 話題
3. 老師 話題, 那一個 是 好 / 衰 老師
4. 電視節目 話題
5. 放假去那裡玩的 話題
2007-05-21 9:23 am
你想邁講乜就講啦,現唔係叫你背對白,鍾意講乜都可以,如咁生硬佢重反感架, 如無嘢有時唔一定要講嘢在大家心裹都一樣甜架.
2007-05-21 12:50 am
I gather this must be the beginning of a relationship, you can really talk about anything and everything, I think if you don't know her well enough, you can ask her questions like about her family, her favourite food, her favourite song, her favourite book, ... etc

You can plan for what to do over the weekend, go to cinema or go to bowling. You can also ask her what colour she likes, what she likes doing on her own. You need to get into her world as the same time, let you introduce her into yours.

Talk about yourself as well, your future, your plan. Let the conversation flows by itself, and don't need to think too much on what to say or how to say it. Be yourself. Good luck.
2007-05-21 12:30 am
如果唔熟咪講多d學業/同自已家人ge野lo~ um,上堂就講學業= =唔洗睇XD
....如果係追緊佢,咪問下佢今日去邊到食呀?!個d lo,關心下佢!
2007-05-21 12:22 am
. .

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