
2007-05-20 11:30 pm
being clourless and odourless,carbon monoxide gives no warning of its presence.at a level of 1 per cent,carbon monxide will kill quickly;at lower levels,it causes headaches and dizziness and affects reaction times. measurement have shown fairly highlevels of carbon monoxide is produced at street level,it is most likely to affect people when they are driving and need to be alert and have quick reflexes.

clourless (colourless) highlevels (high levels)monxide(monoxide)


第2個答我的人,if 你可以tell me 你在where翻譯,我會choose you to be  the best!! 


The carbon monoxide-haemoglobin bond is 200 times stronger than the oxygen-haemoglobin , carbon monoxide therefore ties up haemoglobin and prevents it from combining with oxygen.


wanleebun 如果你答埋這段我will choose you to be the best~~thx  The carbon monoxide-haemoglobin bond is 200 times stronger than the oxygen-haemoglobin , carbon monoxide therefore ties up haemoglobin and prevents it from combining with oxygen. i won”t choose second one,i will choose you~~thx~~

回答 (3)

2007-05-20 11:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
一氧化碳是無色和無臭味的在毫無警告情況下, 在一個範圍內,含量百分之一就能迅速置人於死地,含量較低時, 它會導致吸入者頭疼頭暈和反應遲鈍,最常見是在街道上,一氧化碳濃度高時, 會影響駕駛人的警覺力和反應。

2007-05-20 19:07:10 補充:
The carbon monoxide-haemoglobin bond is 200 times stronger than the oxygen-haemoglobin , carbon monoxide therefore ties up haemoglobin and prevents it from combining with oxygen. 一氧化碳與血紅素的結合力比氧氣與血紅素的結合力強200倍,把血紅素牢固得很緊,讓氧氣無法與已受一氧化碳結合的血紅素結合.
2007-05-20 11:37 pm
是無色和無氣味的,一氧化碳給沒有它的警告1%,碳(*monxide*)的水平將迅速殺害; 在底層,它導致頭疼和頭暈并且影響反應時間。 測量相當顯示得一氧化碳高水平被生產在街道水平,影響人是很可能的,當他們駕駛并且需要是戒備和有快的反射時。
2007-05-20 11:34 pm
是clourless 和無氣味的, 一氧化碳給沒有它的presence.at 的警告百分之1 的水平, 碳monxide 將殺害quickly;at 更低的水平, 它導致頭疼並且頭暈和影響反應時間測量相當顯示得一氧化碳highlevels 導致在街道水平, 它是很可能影響人當他們駕駛和需要是戒備和有快的反射。

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