
2007-05-20 8:52 pm
有人說AIDS是上天給予我的懲罰! 有人說同性的性取向是否違背了上帝的意旨?
正因如此.所以每當一個同性戀者患上AIDS 而去接受治療的時候,都會受到歧視

今日我地要談論一下Discrimination against gays I due to threat of AIDS這一方面的問題,我是絕對反對同性愛滋病人有任何歧視行為

回答 (4)

2007-05-21 10:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
Some say that AIDS is a punishment from God(the heavens, if u don't want to use the word God). Some ask: is being homosexual against God's will?
Because of this, every homosexual that goes through therapy will be discriminated against.

Today, we will be discussing the topic 'Discrimination against gays(homosexual) I due to threat of AIDS' (i think you need to rephrase your topic, it doesnt sound correct) On this topic, i am greatly against discrimination against homosexuals.

Hope it helps =D
參考: myself laaaa
2007-05-20 9:24 pm
Someone said AIDS is the punishment of the God! Someone asked that is homosexual against the God's will? Therefore, if a homosexual had got the AIDS and take the medical care, he will be discriminationed.

Today we need to talk about discrimination against gays due to threat of AIDS, I absultly object that kind of behaviour.
2007-05-20 9:14 pm
Someone said AIDS is the punishment of the God! Someone asked that is homosexual against the God's will? Therefore, if a homosexual had got the AIDS and take the medical care, he will be discriminationed.

Today we need to talk about discrimination against gays due to threat of AIDS, I absultly object that kind of behaviour.
2007-05-20 8:58 pm
Some people said AIDS is the heaven gives my penalty! Some people said whether the homogeneous sex orientation has violated God's meaning.Because of so. Whenever therefore a homosexual suffers from but AIDS accepts treats, can receive the discrimination
today I to have to discuss on the one hand Discrimination against gays I due to threat of AIDS this the question, I am 絕 to opposed the homogeneous AIDS person has any discrimination behavior

2007-05-20 13:04:50 補充:
Sorry,打錯字絕 =not第二句是Some people said whether the homogeneous sex orientation has violated God.

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