我想問lcci (account examination) level 2 (20mraks)

2007-05-20 6:43 pm
我想問lcci (account examination) level 2
我有讀al account
我想問level 2要考d what topic ga??
可唔可list all topic 比我知 and 考多少題同用多少時間做一題ga??
thank you!!
仲有ar我想問passpapaer 可以在那裡買ar!!
thank you
thank you!!!!^^

回答 (2)

2007-05-21 2:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
LCCI Level 2 - Book-keeping and Accounts
1. Partnership Accounts
2. Accounts for Non-trading Organization
3. Control Accounts & Suspense Accounts
4. Consignment Accounts
5. Manufacturing Accounts
6. Stock Valuation
7. Company Accounts
8. Branch Accounts
9. Incomplete Records
10. Bills of Exchanges
11. Treatment of Provision & Reserves
12. Calculation & interpretation of Accounting Ratio

LCCI考試時間為3小時, 會考4條題目。

LCCI Hong Kong
Unit 1105, 11/F Emperor Group Center
288 Hennessy Road, Wanchai
Hong Kong SAR
Tel: +852 3102 0100
Fax: +852 3102 0111
Email: [email protected]
2007-05-20 7:22 pm
好奇一問, 既然你有讀AL account, 點解唔直接考Lv.3呢?
其實LCCI Lv.2只係會考程度的會計, 範圍大致上與會考一樣, 但比會考多以下topic:
- bills of exchange
- consignment
- joint venture
- limited company buying existing business
- branch account
- redemption of shares & debentures (唔肯定有無)

考試時間3小時, 4條必答題(忘記了是4還是5).
Pastpaper可在LCCI位於灣仔的辦事處購買, $65一份, 連答案及考試報告.
如果想便宜一點, 可網上向人徵求, 或叫老師及同學借一份影印, 或上網下載.

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