如果有錢買樓, 喺唔喺一次過俾哂點都好過供呢? 供樓有没有什麼好處?

2007-05-20 5:50 pm
如果有錢買樓, 喺唔喺一次過俾哂點都好過供呢?


回答 (3)

2007-05-20 6:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2)但如果不嬲都有投資習慣( 如股票、基金),而且成績唔錯,或者打算有更好投資啊呀就要衡量點樣最化算,最賺得多,以免d錢放晒幢樓度,錯過投資賺大錢機會囉。
參考: 自己
2007-05-20 6:17 pm
First, it all depend on your personal wish whether you want to own the property immediately when you could pay off the purchase price immediately - a personal satisfisation.

If you mortgage the property for a bank loan instead of making the full payment, you have to pay for the interest and the subsequent monthly capital instalment repayment. This means your cost is higher and you have to alert your monthly payment or else a penalty will be charged by the bank. Moreover, you have to paln for the regular payment for the coming say 20 years relative to your earning and your financial planning.

The benefit of loan financing are

1. You don't have to pay out a big sum of money immediately. You will then have a more liquidity and use the money for investment e.g. funds, shares etc..The return may be higher than the interest you have paid for the mortgage loan.

2. You can claim the mortgage interest to set off your personal income for tax purposes if the property is for your own use.

3. You can request for another or additional financing should the property market price has gone up or after you have paid for it after 10 years's time. Of course, you have to plan carefully to make better use of this funding for better return. This will make your financial planning much more flexible and challenging.
2007-05-20 6:01 pm
如果有錢買樓, 而你的錢不需要留待其他用途,只是放在銀行收息,咁當然喺一次過俾哂好過供喇,因為貸款息一定高過存款息呀, 如果以後真的再需要用錢, 再按給銀行也可以.

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