"於年中" 的以下兩個譯法哪個較好

2007-05-20 2:10 pm
"於年中" 譯 為 "in the middle of the year" 還是 "by mid-year" 比較好? 想問兩個譯法哪個比較準確?
請給我意見, 謝謝

回答 (2)

2007-05-20 2:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
at the middle of the year 是名詞片語,mid-year 是形容詞,

This is an exam. at the middle of the year.

This is a mid-year exam..
2007-05-20 10:30 pm
I thought in the middle of the year will be better.
It is because it is an adj. and it's better for describing what you want.

2007-05-20 14:31:51 補充:
Sorry,it's not an adj. It"s a ph. Also, I thought in the middle of the year will be better.
參考: My knowledge.

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