
2007-05-20 10:02 am

回答 (2)

2007-05-20 10:07 am
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用較少的資金控制 更多的資源


當然如果你只係想開間有限公司,就未複習到要理呢 d 野了


A控股公司(資產100億) ------->B公司(資產50億), C公司(資產50億), D公司(資產50億)

A分別持有 B,C,D 51%股權,就可以係呢3間公司話事了

而你只要擁有A公司的51%, 你就可以分別擁有A,B,C,D的話事權

咁你只要有51億元, 呢4間公司都可以話曬事, 而4間公司的總資產有250億元的

2007-05-20 5:53 pm
Holding company ( H ) means a company having more than 50% of the holding of another company's shares. That company is then a sunsidiary ( S ) of the holding company.

H is also regarded as a holding company if the board of directors of H has a significant or dominate power over the decision making of the board of directors of S. It is usually the case the majority of the directors of S are coming from H. So, any resolution made by the Board of Directors of S is controlled by those directors coming from H.

You may also noted that there is a name called - the ultimate holding company. It means H holds B and B holds C. From the point of C, the ultimate holding company is H and B is only the immediate holding company.

Not all listed companies are ultimate holding companies. They are usually holding some subsidiaries.

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