
2007-05-20 8:36 am

我“轉頭”回覆你, 好嗎?

其實以上句子, 我係會面對面同人講的. 我個上司成日以為一問我野我就可以即刻俾到佢 or 回覆到佢. 佢會一直站在我隔離等到我 reply 佢為止. 所以, 我係想學返一兩句英文, 用來打發佢走, 然後, 待我 confirm 到佢想要的野才 reply 佢.

回答 (6)

2007-05-20 10:52 am
✔ 最佳答案



d人通常只會話: just a second please 或者 hold on for a second 就已經係果個意思
唔會話咩 i will give it to u in a second 之類, 會好怪

我“轉頭”回覆你, 好嗎?
I'll call you back in a second
I'll turn back to you in a minute之類
如果想再似外國人d, 因為通常你係因為有事先至要call番人,佢地會講:
I'm in the middle of something, can I call you back in just a second?

2007-05-20 02:56:17 補充:
仲有,這一句,如果係informal,d人通常會就咁講:just one sec.sec 係 second淨係發第一個音,d外國人懶,鍾意就咁講secjust one sec好似真係cool d架,d後生仔好鍾意咁講,型d
參考: myself, I live in US
2007-05-20 8:37 pm
i will come back to you in a sec.
can you wait for a second?
wait.~ i will give it to you in a second
我“轉頭”回覆你, 好嗎?
can i come back to you later?
can i call you back in a min.?

參考: 美國讀書經驗~
2007-05-20 10:33 am
haha, interesting question!!
I think there's no exact way to say it. because of different culture background.
the closest i think of is
" I'll turn back to you" that's already = 我“轉頭”回覆你

for the first one, i would say " I will give it to you on return "
but still, i think that's not a natural way to say it, i think english ppl just don't have this expression.
2007-05-20 9:03 am
turn back/in few minutes.
I shall give it to you in few minutes.
May I reply you in few minutes?
2007-05-20 8:53 am
I'll reply you soon. 我會很快回覆你.
I'll give you soon. 我會很快給你.
soon, once, immediately 都可解作很快
參考: 自己
2007-05-20 8:48 am
a second
I will give it to you in a second.
I will give you an answer in a second.

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