Bill 係會計上即係咩野?

2007-05-20 7:41 am
Bill 係會計上即係咩野?

回答 (4)

2007-05-22 4:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
可以是 "DEBIT NOTE" , 亦可以是 "CREDIT NOTE" ; 最重要是裡面的內容。甚至, 沒有理據的話, 可退回原主。
2007-05-23 5:25 am
It may also refer to Bill of Exchange, expenses bills e.g. hotel bills. The expenses bills may be attached to payment vouchers ( Bank or Petty Cash ) for expenses reimbursement claimed. The debit notes and credit notes are usually for business.
2007-05-20 7:57 am
expense ge 1種
2007-05-20 7:48 am
美國帳單通常 "帳單" 是用 "Bill" 表示,如果我們入帳即是 "發票"。

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