纎體一口價,可以信嗎? (急)

2007-05-20 6:45 am
請問有無人知纎體一口價,係咪真ga? 邊間比較平及可信d ?

回答 (2)

2007-05-20 6:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
You should not believe in the advertisements; even you are lucky that you have chosen a company which has a good reputation, you may need to pay for your slim plan again and again in your life.

Usually my friends have to spend $50000-200000 for keeping fit in the fitness centres.

Doing exercise regularly is always the key to fitness.
2007-05-20 6:49 am
信唔過, 1ST TIME 一口價, 幾次之后再有EXCUSE, 再要付錢, 因住洗濕個頭呀

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