because of点用??because点用??

2007-05-20 4:53 am
because of点用??because点用??

回答 (3)

2007-05-20 5:32 am
✔ 最佳答案

Because of 同due to的用法一樣

如果用because代替due to就要在because後面加 of=because of
用because of後面的句子是沒有主角的(Subject),而且要跟著小句子和名詞(noun)

例如:We do not go outside because the weather is bad(形容詞 adjective)
變用 because of
We do not go outside because of the bad(形容詞 adjective) weather(名詞 adjective)
***形容詞 adjective要放在(名詞 noun)前*** helpful---helpfulness
例如: good(形容詞 adjective) boy(名詞 noun) beautiful(形容詞 adjective) girl(名詞 noun)

例如:She win this prize because she was heplful(形容詞 adjective) 變用 because of

She win this because of her helpfulness(名詞 noun)

Due to and because of are often used in both written and spoken language. However, these two phrases have different meanings, so they are not interchangeable.

Due to is an adjectival prepositional phrase, it modifies a noun. It follows a verb, It modifies the subject of the sentence.

ex:Jeff 's loss in the competition was due to a flat tire on his car.

"because of" is an adverbial prepositional phrase, meaning it modifies a verb. It usually answers the question, : "Why"

Ex: Jeff lost the competition because of a flat tire on his car.

Do you understand?
2007-05-20 5:07 am

Simply speaking, because後面係有verb既存在!
eg, I eat apples because they ARE tasty.
eg, I like reading Harry Potter because the plot itself IS very exciting.

至於because of 後面呢, 係一定冇verb既, 而係noun!
eg, I don't want to do the housework because of laziness.

2007-05-20 5:01 am
because of 放在句子頭或句子中間,但後面必須跟noun.
because是連接詞,不可以放在句子頭,後面跟clause (即類似a complete sentence).

如果想用because在句子頭,必須寫為:" It is because ..."

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