(急急急....!!!! ) 贊不贊成以下statement (請用英文作答) ???

2007-05-20 4:52 am
贊不贊成以下statement (請用英文作答) ???
有需要的話,請引出香港法律以support your answers...

例子: Your neighbour can turn on the Hi-fi with a high sound level on Saturday night after 11:00p.m.
答案: Disagree
原因: It is an offence to make loud noise betwwn 11:00p.m. and 6:00p.m.

Statement 1 : Along the Highway No.3 (in Tuen Mun) , noise barrier has to be built.
Agree / Disagree
答案係Disagree (老師講ge...)

回答 (1)

2007-05-20 1:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
例子: Your neighbour can turn on the Hi-fi with a high sound level on Saturday night after 11:00p.m.
答案: Disagree
原因: It is an offence to make loud noise betwwn 11:00p.m. and 6:00p.m.

我的答案︰Correct. According to the "NOISE CONTROL ORDINANCE", Chapter 400 Section 4 about "Noise at night or on a general holiday",

(1) Any person who between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., or at any time on a general holiday in any domestic premises or public place makes or causes to be made any noise which is a source of annoyance to any person commits an offence.

In fact, according to the "NOISE CONTROL ORDINANCE", Chapter 400 Section 5 about "Noise at any time",

1) Any person who at any time in any domestic premises or public place-
(a) plays or operates any musical or other instrument, including any record or cassette player or radio or television apparatus;
(b) uses any loud-speaker, megaphone, or other device or instrument for magnifying sound;
(c) plays any game or engages in any pastime; or
(d) carries on a trade or business,
the noise of which is a source of annoyance to any person commits an offence.

So even your neighbour turn on the Hi-fi with a high sound level anytime may also commits an offence.


Statement 1 : Along the Highway No.3 (in Tuen Mun) , noise barrier has to be built.
Agree / Disagree
答案係Disagree (老師講ge...)

我的答案︰Correct. The Executive Council endorsed a new policy in November 2000 to address the noise impacts from existing roads. The new policy has two strands: to retrofit barriers on existing roads and to re-surface local roads with low-noise material.

36 road sections with noise exceeding 70 dB(A) have been identified as technically feasible for retrofitting noise barriers. However, highway No.3 is not on the list.


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