
2007-05-20 3:33 am
想找30磅以下一晚的住宿, hotel/hostel均可
但最好是單人套房~ coz我唔想同人share~

thanks =]

請提供網址及booking方法~ 如有個人experience更好 ^^


thanks咁多位回答 =] btw, 有無人住過easy hotel? 好似好平咁, 但唔知質素點?

回答 (2)

2007-05-20 11:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
It depends on where exactly you are looking to stay in London, it can be pushed for a price below £30. However, if you are not fuss, there are some around £30-£40 but not in central london.

Check out the website below, I use it sometimes when we stay out late. They are Bed & Breakfasts and hotels, I wouldn't even go for hostel if you want to stay alone.


There are photos for each hotel on the website and make sure you book the one in Zone 1 so it won't cost too much for travel.
參考: I live in London.
2007-05-20 10:18 am
I think your price is too low for central London, are youYMCA member, if yes, you may go to their website and check it outside London stay.

aveage price for B & B in London single room £50 per night.

參考: self

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