part ways

2007-05-20 2:53 am
What is the meaning of the words " part ways"?

回答 (3)

2007-05-20 3:48 am
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part ways 係解分道揚鑣先真喎
唔信睇睇 ,google搵到o既:
Tracy and Dodgers part ways after losing season
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Los Angeles Dodgers released manager Jim Tracy on Monday, after the team recorded its first losing season in five years.
The Dodgers said on the MLB Web site that they and Tracy had "mutually agreed to part company," ending the manager's five-year tenure in charge of the team.
內容講棒球隊 Los Angeles Dodgers 一季打得唔好,就同經理 Jim Tracy 「同意」解約。

2007-05-19 19:49:45 補充:
唔記得講,part company亦係分手咁解,同一篇文咁樣出兩個同義詞,睇下篇文就會get到part ways意思。
2007-05-20 3:24 am
garynatalie 都講得幾貼切。。。

part ways 通常係講人做嘢做咗一部份但還未做好。

I am part way done my report.
2007-05-20 3:11 am
I think it means a part of ways

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