
2007-05-19 11:50 pm
請問可否告知以下政府部門之英文名稱, 謝謝!

1. 運輸署
2. 勞工處
3. 衞生署
4. 人民入境事務處
5. 水務署
6. 消委會
7. 社會福利署
8. 土木工程拓展署
9. 土地註冊處
10. 環境保護署
11. 地政處
12. 民安隊
13. 規劃署

回答 (2)

2007-05-20 12:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 運輸署 (Transportation Department)
2. 勞工處 (Labour Department)
3. 衞生署 (Department of Health)
4. 人民入境事務處 (Immigration Department) (入境事務處)
5. 水務署 (Water Supplies Department)
6. 消委會 (Consumer Council) (消費者委員會)
7. 社會福利署 (Social Welfare Department)
8. 土木工程拓展署 (Civil Engineering and Development Department)
9. 土地註冊處 (The Land Registry)
10. 環境保護署 (Environmental Protection Department)
11. 地政處 (Lands Department)
12. 民安隊 (Civil and Service) (民眾安全服務隊)
13. 規劃署 (Planning Department)
2007-05-20 12:10 am
1.Transport Department

2.Labour Department

3.Department of Health

4.Immigration Department

5.Water Supplies Depadtment

6.Consumer Council Welfare Department

8.Civil Engineering and Development Department

9.The Land Registry

10.Environmental Protection Department

11.Lands Department

12.Civil Aid Service

13.Planning Department

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 19:37:31
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