
2007-05-19 11:41 pm

2)呢個團係咪真係無乜時間shopping?我想問如果純粹跟行程,係咪唔會有as know as de base同earth music & ecology既舖?!
6)Hello Kitty land裡面有無布甸狗既產品賣?

回答 (4)

2007-05-20 9:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.佢哋會建議你轉其他日子的團, 或者轉行程.
2.我覺得呢團的購物時間都算充足, 不會太趕, 很多地方都可以逗留約2小時或以上.
3.我覺得迪士尼樂園比較值得去, 因為地方比香港的大很多, 而且D遊戲比disney sea多, 亦可以欣賞巡遊;而disney sea 有好多遊戲都有高度限制, 遊戲種類較少.
4.可乘"京葉線"去東京站轉"山手線"到新宿. 時間約45分鐘, 如遇上"京業線"的特快車, 時間約30-35分鐘.新宿同原宿中間仲隔了一個站.
6.有, 但款式不太多.
7.我覺得不算太趕, 晚上約9時回到酒店, 早上約8時集合, 有足夠時間休息.自己去夜街另計.
參考: my exp. on 3-7 jan 07
2007-05-21 7:19 pm
I came back from Japan 3 weeks ago, I exactly join 東瀛遊 日本團 (JTGA05).

Overall, the trip is good except for meals. I think shopping time is not enough especially you are woman. So if u see anything u like, buy immediately, because u may not find the same thing in other places.

台場 -- stay around 2 hrs, if u want to buy 日本超輕雨傘, there is a shop which only sell for 550yen, 我好後悔我冇買到, 因當時我唔知抵唔抵買, 又以為周圍都有得賣....點知....shopping mall 賣成3000yen! (當然靚D, 但唔值囉)

Disney -- 如果去過normal Disney, definity should try DisneySea. I also have this question last month. I have been to LA disneyland and Disney Adventure Park for 3 times, therefore I try Disneysea last month in Japan. Disney should be quite similar all over the world, standard ride such as, "Splash Mountain", "Space Mountain", "Big Thunder".
At least you can try some new ride in DisneySea

富士急 -- stay around 3.5 hrs, line up for 過山車 around 1 hr, very exciting! 1000yen
鬼屋好刺激, 真係好驚, 但真係值得一試, 500yen
the tour guide will sell u for a special pass, 2000 yen for 玩3樣遊戲(除鬼屋外), the pass can be used for different people. You can share with your partner, but u have to measure u have enough time to play or not.

Hellokitty Land -- stay around 2.5 hrs, there is a hellokitty lucky draw counter on G/F, 500yen 一次, 永不落空. The prize is quite good, I saw 2 people win the 1st prize, 真係冇呃人喎, 好值得抽! 地底嗰層都有lucky draw, 礼物除kitty外亦有其他.
if u don't like to spend too much time in Hellokitty land, there is a drug store nearby, 不過呢間匕一人淨係賣藥多, 冇化粧品賣, 如你想買消除疲勞嗰D磁石貼/膏貼, there is a lot, price good!

大涌谷-- need to take 2.5hrs to get there, 黑雞蛋(500yen 6 隻)

淺草 -- 好多送礼零食礼盒賣, 630yen 至 1200yen 一盒

池袋/新宿 -- 要買化粧品就行藥房啦, 之後冇乜時間行架啦

銀座 -- spend around 2.5 - 3 hrs, 行blue label, fancl. 我老公話Toys Park冇乜好行, 買Wii 平, 退稅後around $1560, 手制$120.

others -- the tour guide will ask u wether u want to add extra $ for the following items:
1. 魚生船 -- 11000yen(small), 20000yen (big) 款多, 味道一般啦
2. 包魚 -- 6000yen, I didn't try, so don't know
3. 北海道 crab -- 13000yen, I didn't try
4. 和牛 -- 6000yen, 燒烤食, 味道average 啦
5. 其他零食 -- around 1200yen 一包

整体行程都ok 啦, wake up quite early in the morning, around 6:30am everyday....if u really like shopping, then not enough time because this is mainly a 樂園 tour. 希望你玩得開心!
參考: 上3星 期參加了JTGA05 回來
2007-05-20 5:31 pm
2007-05-20 4:59 am
1)東瀛遊成唔到團會叫你轉行程, 所以最好出發前一周內報名.....
東瀛遊職員通常吹水話成團機會好大, 叫你報名, 千奇唔好信......
4)起馬45分鐘, 大約500y一位(單程)

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