
2007-05-19 11:39 pm
6月會去巴塞隆納, 逗留約4-5天, 請問有沒有什麼必到的好介紹? 應該會在當地租車..

回答 (2)

2007-05-21 11:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
4-5 days are enough to see all the main attractions in Barcelona.
There are 3 places you must go to see.
- La Rambla (street for shopping, like Nathan Rd)
- Sagrada Família
- Park Güell
You also must try different kinds of Tapas in your meal.
For more information
Have a nice trip!
I also suggest you to use the Metro instead of driving. All the attractions can be reach by the underground.
參考: my experience
2007-05-20 5:28 am
don't rent the car, better use their transportation. But 1 thing remind you, really be careful your personal items, like passport, wallet, etc... My friend just went to 巴塞隆納 and she lost all her passport.. really headache and trouble............

Better make a photocopy of your passport as a reference in case.

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