急 送20點 英文講欺凌

2007-05-19 8:27 pm
幫我諗槁 thx

回答 (4)

2007-05-19 9:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Good morning/afternoon everyone. Today, I would like to share a topic with all of you. First, let me ask you some questions. Do you know what the meaning of bully is? Have you bully others? Have you been bullied by others? Today, I am going to talk about these questions deeply. The word bully means ride roughshod over. If you had been bullied by others, you should tell your parents or policeman. Besides, if you had bullied someone you were not only hurt your parents, you will also hurt the one you had bullied. We should not bully people because it will hurt one another and also affect his/ her spirit or feeling. Do you know what will he/she do after you had bullied? Lightly, they will be testiness. Heavily, they will become suicide. So, we should be friendly to each other. This is the end of my presentation, thank you.
參考: Me (HKCWCC-seconary one _ONLY)
2007-05-19 9:28 pm
Do you mean Bullying, 大蝦細? Like Bullying in school?

Then you can say something like:
- it's a problem that has been happening all the time.
- targets are usually children who are smaller, weaker, from a poor or dysfunctional family, may have physical challenges or defects, or behaviors that are different from the norm, such as being "sissy" or stammering.
- can have serious consequences: suicide, or the bullied kid kills other people. these cases happen in both Eastern and Western societies.
- society now recognize that it's not harmless children's game.
- study shows that many bullies come from families where they are abused. These abused children in turn bully children weaker than them.
- parents, educators, psychologists and non profit organizations work together to bring awareness and prevent bullying.

Hope I answer it right?
2007-05-19 9:07 pm
In my opinion,我都好同意報章上所講的punishment.
I thing對於一些屢次欺凌他人或作出暴力行為的學生應該作出適當的punishment.



In my opinion, I also agree the punishment suggested by the newspaper. I think it is appropriate to punish those students who frequently violate or abuse other students. If we do not imply punishments on these students they will in turn commit more serious violations on others.

Rewards and punishments only will work with those that have a normal behaviour externally, but it may not work internally in terms of moral values. However, normal rewards and punishments will help in development a student's inner moral values and hence encouraging him/her to establish a better etiquette and moral conduct.

But the most efficient method is to improve the trainning of teachers/instructors, to create a better relationship between the teachers and the students, and to reduce the administrative workloads of the teachers.
A teacher should educate his/her student based on respect, care, and encouragement in order to improve the teaching quality. On the other hand, the school and the parents should teach the students the correct moral values so that it will encourage the students or their kids to have a better moral conduct. The government can slo advertise the consequences of bullying or violence on both the victim and the suspect.
2007-05-19 8:33 pm
欺凌 =hey zero.
參考: me

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