
2007-05-19 8:15 pm
好多謝你的回覆!!! 我對你們公司的產品真是十分之有興趣, 現在得知你們在香港是有代理, 感到十分之高興, 希望你能告知我怎樣聯絡.

回答 (2)

2007-05-20 12:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
Thanks for your reply!! I am very interested in your company's products. And, I am very happy to note that you have an agent in Hong Kong. I shall be grateful if you could tell me how to contact your agent. Thanks again.
2007-05-19 9:18 pm
Thanks for your reply!

We are very interested in your company's products. We know the information about
your agent in Hong Kong, we are very pleased! We hope you can tell me how to contact them!


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