california fitness屯門有冇咩問題?

2007-05-19 11:50 am
今日簽左一年, 冇入會費, 要手續費$499, 月費$298
另外仲俾左兩堂pt, $450一堂(試堂), 佢話原價要$800一堂喎, 仲要一次過俾36個月(佢咁講我咁聽)
因為今日簽係西洋菜街個間度簽, 我方便自己住元朗, 就揀左屯門, 唔知個間點呢?
其實我都係見自己冇乜點做運動, 想自己健康返d
睇下頭一年點先, 唔得就唔玩(如果唔玩, 兩個月前通知, 係咪都係要俾$1500? 佢話自動轉賬頭一尾二喎)

我係2007年5月18日簽, 咁我應該係邊年月日同佢講終止會籍(玩完12個月就唔玩), 先唔會又無端端又俾人呃錢?


我係只可以做一,三,五, 冇毛巾


我呢個會籍係最cheap, bronze會籍, 所以冇毛巾卡

回答 (2)

2007-05-27 4:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
Very very poor! Same as TST; I have do gym in TST first, then TM. Both have the same sale method, sale with thick skin and you cannot do gym peacefully. They tell you that you do not have the fittness items and they will help you, then provide you with "good price" PT, but expensive. I join a 8-day programme with $4000, on the second day, he sells me another with $1500/month!
2007-06-02 1:53 am
下..冇毛巾?佢真係呃你啵,邊可能架,佢selling point你有毛巾包埋嘛,你真係要問清楚點解啦~同埋你預左唔玩,咁就直接問下reception counter啦,你有咁既權利架嘛!

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