Driving in Provence

2007-05-19 11:08 am
Anyone ever drive in Provence ? is the map-reading difficult? we want to go to the less crowded area (and up the hill) for lavender and sunflowers ... would the places be diff. to find? what about the left-side steering.. is it hard to adjust? would it be dangerous???


回答 (2)

2007-05-19 6:02 pm
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map易看很多路牌指示,但鄉郊小徑‧山路急彎,有些地段幾危险!單路雙線靠互讓,有些段轉到想嘔及暈眩!(約15分鐘),旺季有些區難泊車!亦很曬!(我上年7月去)我試了兩天,後來跟local tour去了些山城及再看花
2007-05-19 11:13 am
我七年前去過,當時是join local tour去那著名的修道院看那片薰衣草田,及那個山城。印象中那些山路狹窄彎多,有些地方也較危險,若果你不熟路,建議你還是跟Local tour會較有保障。

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