
2007-05-19 9:31 am
AIDS 是一種可怕的疾病大家都明白,而性取向是不一樣罪過呢?這個世界不論是同性戀或是異性戀,都有相同的機會患上aids ,所以我地Discrimination against gays I due to threat of AIDS是不認同的
同性戀和aids 是否有真接或間接的定義呢?答案是絕對是沒有的,aids 病人是指aids的帶菌者,和性取向是沒有直接關係,而主要的因為,只指大多數的人把愛和性接上關係吧了事實上是沒有任何的證據可證明性取是導致患上AIDS任何的關係,
心理學家出:岐視 ,是一種不良的文化意識,會對患病者有不良的影響,這種不公平的對待在不但令病人得不到公平的治療,而且對心理造成極大的傷害,而心理上的因素往往就是一個病康復關鍵,換句話說,我對病人加人私刑, 等同同真刀真槍去傷害一個疙是沒有分別的,這行為等同犯罪,是不仁道的

回答 (2)

2007-05-19 1:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Uncontroversially, it is understood that AIDS is one of the fatal illnesses. Then i want to raise out one question, If we are out of the standard in the option of sex orientation, is it necessarily considered as a crime? In this world, no matter you are homosexual or heterosexual, the possibility of developing Aids is iqual. we are against the theme " Discrimination against gays I due to threat of AIDS ".

Is there any direct or indirect connection between homosexuality and AIDS? the answer is absolutely NO. the carriers of virus are considered as aids patients. In general, people connect love with sex, however, there is no definition relative to the sexual orientation, Until now, there is no proof showing that the choice of sexual orientation is the factor causing Aids.

What a tragic that, because of the unfairlessness existing in the society, the homosexual AIDS patients loss the chance of having the same treatment as the others, and eventually leads to death. According to the International Human's Right Organization, every patient has the same right of being treated.

Beside of the unfair treatment received by the homosexual AIDS patient, the psychologists indicate that discrimination brings harmful effects to the patients, the psychological factors are the always the key to the recovering of a patient, in the other words, there is no difference in killing someone with a knife or a gun, these are all considered as crime, which are inhuman.

From the above issue, there is no relative connection between Love and Aids, however, the discrimination causes negative effects to the patients.

2007-05-19 3:10 pm
AIDS is one of the fatal illnesses. Is the option of sex orientation a crime? In the world, no matter if you are homosexual or heterosexual, the possibility of developing Aids is the samel. We are against discrimination against gays due to threat of AIDS .

Is there any direct relation between homosexuality and AIDS? The carriers of virus are considered as aids patients. In general, people relate love with sex, however, there is no definition related to the sexual orientation, Up til l now, there is no evidence showing that the choice of sexual orientation is a factor leading to Aids.

What a tragic in the unfairlessness existing in society. The homosexual AIDS patients lose chances of having the same treatment as the others, and eventually leads to death. According to the International Human's Right Organization, every patient has the same right of being treated.

Beside of the unfair treatment received by the homosexual AIDS patients, the psychologists indicate that discrimination brings harmful effects to the patients. The psychological factors are the keys to the patient recovey. In other words, there is no difference in killing someone with a knife or a gun,. The important point is whether it is inhuman.

All in all, there is no direct relationship between love and Aids. However, the discrimination causes negative effects to the patients.
參考: An English teacher

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