可否幫手譯做中文...急用....Thank you

2007-05-19 8:27 am
Beijing opera is a branch of traditional Chinese musical drama. It took shape in Beijing about 150 years ago and has been popular ever since. Beijing opera is a theatrical art synthesizing recitation, instrumental music, singing, dancing, acrobatics, and martial arts, and featuring symbolic motions and stage design. The highly formulaic and suggestive movements of the actors are accompanied by the rhythmic beats of gongs and drums, or the haunting melodies of traditional instruments.

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2007-05-19 9:48 am
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Beijing opera is a branch of traditional Chinese musical drama.

It took shape(成形) in Beijing about 150 years ago and has been popular ever since.

Beijing opera is a theatrical(劇場的) art synthesizing(綜合) recitation(吟唱.), instrumental (樂器)music, singing, dancing, acrobatics(特技表演), and martial(戰爭.軍事的) arts,

and featuring (引人的特色)symbolic(象徵) motions and stage design.

The highly formulaic(慣用.制式化的) and suggestive(暗示.引人聯想的) movements of the actors are accompanied (伴隨.伴奏)by the rhythmic(節拍的) beats of gongs(銅鑼 )and drums,or the haunting(不易忘懷的) melodies of traditional instruments.
2007-05-19 9:30 am
京劇是傳統中國音樂戲曲的分支。在大約150 年前的北京,它有已有顯著的發展及在此後也一直流行著。京劇是一個戲劇性的藝術,綜合了朗誦, 器樂, 唱歌, 跳舞, 雜技,和武術,和以象徵性的行動為特色和舞台美術設計。演員的非常刻板的、提示的動作是由有節奏地敲打的鑼和鼓伴奏, 或是由傳統樂器奏出常常想起來的調子。

參考: 自已+字典
2007-05-19 9:29 am
參考: me&字典

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